WOD for Saturday 191207Coach MichelleDec 6, 20191 min readHOT AND HEAVY(Team Version) Teams of 3 4 Rounds For Time (30 Minute Cap): 75/60 Row 60 Toes to Bar 45 Power Cleans 30 Power Snatches (Individual Version) 5 Rounds For Time (25 Minute Cap): 15/12 Row 12 Toes to Bar 9 Power Cleans 6 Power Snatches
HOT AND HEAVY(Team Version) Teams of 3 4 Rounds For Time (30 Minute Cap): 75/60 Row 60 Toes to Bar 45 Power Cleans 30 Power Snatches (Individual Version) 5 Rounds For Time (25 Minute Cap): 15/12 Row 12 Toes to Bar 9 Power Cleans 6 Power Snatches