WOD for Monday 230807Coach MichelleAug 6, 20231 min readTHE SANDLOT1000/850m Row100 Air Squats1000/850m Row-OR-EMOM 16 MinutesMinute 1: 200m RunMinute 2: 500/400m Echo BikeMinute 3: 30 seconds of Burpee Bar Muscle UpsMinute 4: RestSTRENGTH Back Squat
THE SANDLOT1000/850m Row100 Air Squats1000/850m Row-OR-EMOM 16 MinutesMinute 1: 200m RunMinute 2: 500/400m Echo BikeMinute 3: 30 seconds of Burpee Bar Muscle UpsMinute 4: RestSTRENGTH Back Squat